We have to decide concept of your recording works in this step, so we have to talk first detailedly, now-a-days there are a lot of music style and sound style. Actually I could say every each music band or musician has own unique sound style so, I need reference music and I have to know your music instrument and equipment to understand what is client’s goal. In most cases, we will process by email or phone.
※ What is reference Music: We are limited in talking about music style and tone, so I need know exactly what you want
Reference Music is what sounds you want (Drums, Guitar, Vocal etc.....) – High quality youtube link can be worked
This step is real recording. This step includes tone making. This step is very important, almost always decides sound quality.
But you just play well.
Note: Please don't think that you can fix a problem at mixing and mastering when you did a mistake or misdirection.
There is a no way to fix a fault of tracking step in mixing and tracking steps. It's only possible to cover the fault up.
Therefore if there is any mistake or misdirection, it must be fixed in recording step.
This step is my special step. I will do basic processing of sound sources. Actually basic processing is almost same in every music style. (compressing, basic EQing, etc..)
This is the best way save time for both of us.
You don't need come out to my studio.
It will be take a week per one album usually.
When I finish rough mixing, I will give you the mixed audio files(rough mix) by email. Then you can listen carefully in your familiar audio system which can be car audio, head phones and earphones or any other audio system with enough time. When you organize your thought what you want to change it, you can come to my studio to do mixing and do mastering with us. I don't like to separate mixing and mastering , because they are connected and will effect to each other.